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Welcome To My World!

Hey this is a very lucky day for YOU!!

If you want to see what is going on day to day, your best bet is to check out my blog. You can view it here: BLOG!! If you are just wondering what songs I am listening to most, here is my top 25 (as discussed in this specific blog, this will be updated as much as the changes warrant).

Added the technical support section of my site. It will not provide you with any type of support, but what it will do is supply you with some of the links to problems that I have had in the past, usually more than 1 time.

Along with my technical support area, make sure you realize what my Geek Code Rating is, you can get the full explaination from Robert Hayden here.

Version: 3.1
GIT/E d- s+:+ a C+++ U-- P+ L+ E- W+++ N++
o K- w+++ O M+ V+ PS-- PE++ Y++ PGP+++ t+ 5- X+++ R tv+
b+ DI+++ D+ G++ e+++(-) h--- r+++ y+++

If you are just dying to get some email from me, you will need to download and install my public key. You can get it here. If you would prefer to simply read it, do that here.

Some Video to Enjoy

I finally got some of my wedding video digitized and will be posting small segments of the video that I have to reproduce. So far, I only have done the very beginning which is our baby pictures till we met and got engaged. It is streamed in wmv format. Click on the format you want to view: (broadband) or (dial-up).

Two of my favorite Superbowl XL commercials here you go, Clydesdale video and The Magic Fridge...

What is Here?

I have struggled for a while about whether to place these pictures on my website or just hold them for my own use. I am a very big fan of Ms. Tera Reid and when she had her breast "enhancement", I thought, "what a shame, she was absolutely awsome... before". So anyway, she gets her enhancements and things look to be botched up a little. See what I mean here (this link is only for those over 18).

One of the best parts of having your own website is being able to capture wonderful family moments forever!! Here are the pictures from my Godson's second birthday party (along with many others). Happy Birthday Jake!!

If you are looking to get a good, quick laugh, give this page a try. I have started posting some of the funnier things I find on this page. Looking for some good educational background to prepare you for the 2004 Presidential Election, see this...

What's my Deal?

There are several things that you must know about life before you can understand the man. Here is my life story...

You see I was born a poor white man in central Illinois to very loving parents. When I was born, I weighed in at a blistering 10 lbs. 7 1/2 ounces, I would imagine this was kind of tough for my petite mother (poor lady). At about age two I began to outgrow my "big" brother who is two years older. If you can't imagine what kind of hell that must have been for him, just e-mail him and ask. Here is a nice picture of the two of us when he was 4 years old and I was 2 years old, and already bigger than he was (obviously I am on the right--man I am good looking ).

At about age thirteen I began to play basketball for recreation. I was not good enough to go pro (hell, I wasn't good enough to go Division III) so I stuck with it and what would you know, I have since become a certified basketball referee. If you want to see some of my games, just email me and I will gladly send you my schedule.

DePaul University Logo

I have finished my graduate school endeavor. That's right, I now have my Master of Science degree fromDePaul University. Read all about my coursework and homework's here. For those of you still in grad school, no cheating off my homework and papers.

Sigma Tau Gamma

Home of the greatest Fraternity God put on this green earth!! Or you may check out my local chapter's web site here. Sigma Tau Gamma


If you are looking for the Soldier's Silent Night, you came to the right place. If you follow the link, you can get the lyrics as well as the full story behind the writing of the song. If you are looking for the mp3, you can download it from there also. If you have come across a higher bit rate than mine (32 kbs), please let me know or send it to me (junkmail @ randy-wilson .dot. com). Thanks and enjoy the freedom for which our men and women in uniform fight.

Click here to hear the Marine Corps Hymn or here for the history of the hymn. If you are looking for The Soldiers Christmas, you can get to the lyric's, the story behind the mp3 and the actual mp3 itself, all right here.

At about age 17 1/2 I, like most kids my age, knew more than my parents and joined the finest fighting force ever assembled. The United State Marine Corps. If you thought you had it tough, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Ever see the movie "Full Metal Jacket"? Remember the fat guy named Gomer Pyle (thanks Alex Todd)? Well that was me. I was a fat-body and every time someone in my unit screwed up, I got f!@#ed. This isn't really fair but I am sure you have heard the expression "All fair in love and war."

I spent my time in the Corps taking advantage of the things that I could and learning everything that they had to teach me. Now I am a lean, mean, fighting machine. (OK, so I am not so lean, a little more like a teddy bear than mean, but the last fight I got into, I put the guy on the ground for a while!!)

Several years went by and my MOS (bounced back and forth between the 3500's and the 1300's, Motor Vehicles and Combat Engineer respectively). I dealt a great deal with explosives in both MOS's and therefore, according to my father-in-law, am well equipped to handle my wife.

Desert Storm came and went and of course the job of killing Saddaam was not completed but that time we were only there to get Iraq out of Kuwait, maybe W. will finish the job his daddy started. It is looking good so far but as of this update, they still have not found Saddaam's body or other evidence (in case CNN has changed the page -- PDF here) that he is in fact dead or captured.

Well, I am out of the Marine Corps (but still a Marine) now. I have moved on to bigger and better things in my life, such as my wife and new home and of course how could I forget my sons. If you were coming to this page to find out bad things about me, forget it. This is as tough as I get on myself.

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